Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Trickster Gods: Laughing

IJ 2012, Trickster gods of Native America Mythology. Raven, Rabbit and Coyote. watercolor, pen and ink, gouache and watercolor pencils. 11x 17 watercolor paper/ Arches.

Photoshop testing/brushes. Cowboy

IJ, 2013. sketch inked in and painted in Photoshop Cs5
old sketch reused as testing for brushes, in photoshop, quick doodle.

Gone fishing- finished piece

Finished version of the rough sketch.
2013, watercolor,  gouache, pen and ink on arches watercolor paper,  11 x 17.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Goblin Going Fishing

rough pencil sketch, 11 x 8.5.

Final Rough Sketch, man lounging:

A final rough sketch for a watercolor or digital painting, Still needs some things tweaked here and there.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012